Sona Aslanova诞辰100周年音乐会在国际Mugham Center音乐会上演奏了Inara Babayeva未演奏的作品,在此之前是她的新书发布会。 100th anniversary of Sona Aslanova's birth concert features Inara Babayeva's unperformed works at International Mugham Center, preceded by her book presentation.
为了纪念索纳·阿斯拉诺娃诞100周年, 亚塞拜疆国家歌剧院和芭蕾舞剧院的领先独奏家伊纳拉·巴巴耶娃将于10月7日在国际穆罕默德中心演出. On October 7, Inara Babayeva, a leading soloist of Azerbaijan's State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, will perform at the International Mugham Center to honor the 100th anniversary of Sona Aslanova's birth. 音乐会将展示Babayeva剧团以前未完成的作品,Zulfiya Sadigova将随演。 The concert will feature previously unperformed works from Babayeva's repertoire and will be accompanied by Zulfiya Sadigova. Babayeva的书《阿斯兰诺娃》将在音乐会之前发表。 A presentation of Babayeva's book on Aslanova will precede the concert. 门票可以在当地票房和网上购买. Tickets are available at local box offices and online.