钢琴家丹尼尔·基里洛夫和安娜·拉西娜首次在甘国家爱乐乐团首演,演出了古典作品的混合. Pianists Daniil Kirillov and Anna Rasina debuted at Ganja State Philharmonic, performing a mix of classical works.
钢琴家丹尼尔·基里洛夫 (Daniil Kirillov) 和安娜·拉西娜 (Anna Rasina) 都因其国际声誉而享有盛誉,他们在占贾国家爱乐乐团首次亮相,演奏了莫扎特、巴赫、贝多芬、马斯卡尼、门德尔松和拉赫玛尼诺夫的作品。 Pianists Daniil Kirillov and Anna Rasina, both celebrated for their international accolades, made their debut at the Ganja State Philharmonic, performing works by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Mascagni, Mendelssohn, and Rachmaninoff. 他们音乐会强调古典音乐在加强创造力和福祉的同时,将过去和现在联系起来的持久能力。 Their concert highlighted classical music's enduring ability to connect past and present while enhancing creativity and well-being. 包括Azernews、Trend、Day和Milli等媒体伙伴都支持这项活动。 The event was supported by media partners including Azernews, Trend, Day, and Milli.