阿尔及利亚各团体为拯救金手指免遭非法狩猎而奋斗,旨在保护濒临灭绝的物种。 Algerian groups fight to save goldfinches from illegal hunting, aiming to protect the declining species.
阿尔及利亚保护团体正在努力保护金字塔(Goldfinch)这只可爱的鸟免遭非法狩猎和交易。 Algerian conservation groups are working to protect the goldfinch, a beloved bird, from illegal hunting and trading. 尽管自2012年以来已有法律将其捕获活动定为非法,但这种做法仍在继续,估计有600万金雀被囚禁。 Despite laws since 2012 making its capture illegal, the practice continues, with an estimated six million goldfinches in captivity. 为了解决这种衰落问题,保护者鼓励在被囚禁的物种繁殖,并教育儿童了解鸟类的生态重要性。 To address the decline, conservationists encourage breeding the species in captivity and educate children about the bird's ecological importance.