英国对净零排放的推动可能会到2040年大幅提高航空旅行和电动汽车成本。 UK's push for net-zero emissions may hike air travel and electric car costs significantly by 2040.
英国为实现净零排放所作的努力可能会大大增加航空旅行和电动车辆的费用。 British efforts to achieve net-zero emissions could significantly increase costs for air travel and electric vehicles. 一项新的任务要求航空公司使用更多的绿色燃料,有可能在2040年之前将家庭假日飞行费用提高300英镑。 A new mandate requires airlines to use more green fuel, potentially raising a family's holiday flight costs by £300 by 2040. 同时,推动使用更多的电动车辆可能会导致汽油型号价格的上涨。 Meanwhile, the push for more electric vehicles could lead to higher prices for petrol models. 批评者认为,这些措施可能给消费者造成负担,并建议市场应当规定实现环境目标的条件。 Critics argue that these measures could burden consumers and suggest the market should dictate terms for achieving environmental goals.