欧洲汽车制造商提高汽油汽车价格并提供EV折扣以满足欧盟新的排放规则。 European carmakers raise petrol car prices and offer EV discounts to meet new EU emissions rules.
欧洲汽车制造商正在提高汽油汽车价格,并为电动车辆提供折扣,以满足定于1月开始的欧盟新排放规则。 European carmakers are increasing petrol car prices and offering discounts on electric vehicles (EVs) to meet new EU emissions rules set to begin in January. 这些规则旨在大幅降低二氧化碳排放量,要求至少五分之一的汽车销售量为EV,以避免巨额罚款。 The rules aim to significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions, requiring at least one-fifth of car sales to be EVs to avoid hefty fines. 目前,在欧洲销售的车辆中只有13%是电动的。 Currently, only 13% of vehicles sold in Europe are electric. 这一转变对工业提出了挑战,包括生产成本提高、EV补贴下降,同时也影响到市场增长和工业利润。 This shift poses challenges for the industry, including higher production costs and declining EV subsidies, while also impacting market growth and industry profits.