两名以色列公民因跨越1.5公里进入叙利亚而被捕,面临长达4年的监禁。 Two Israeli citizens arrested for crossing 1.5 km into Syria; face up to four years in prison.
两名以色列公民在车内叙利亚境内1.5公里处被发现后被捕。 Two Israeli citizens were arrested after being found 1.5 km inside Syrian territory in their vehicle. 以色列警察强调接近边界地区的危险,并指出非法过境点可导致长达四年的监禁。 The Israeli police emphasized the danger of approaching border areas and noted that illegal border crossings can result in up to four years in prison. 嫌疑人目前被拘押接受讯问,在调查结果出来之前将采取法律行动。 The suspects are currently in custody for questioning, with legal actions pending the investigation's findings.