在叙利亚犯罪团伙向联合王国、德国偷运移民的叙利亚人中,至少有20人遭到国际镇压逮捕。 International crackdown arrests at least 20 in Syrian crime group smuggling migrants to UK, Germany.
国际当局至少逮捕了20人,以打击参与向联合王国和德国偷运数百名移民的叙利亚有组织犯罪团伙。 International authorities have arrested at least 20 people in a crackdown on a Syrian organized crime group involved in smuggling hundreds of migrants into the UK and Germany. 这次行动由德国领导,并得到欧洲刑警组织的支持,涉及对包括联合王国在内的6个欧洲国家的突袭,一名伊拉克国民在这些国家被捕。 The operation, led by Germany and supported by Europol, involved raids in six European countries, including the UK, where an Iraqi national was arrested. 该组向每个移民收取4,500至12,000欧元的费用。 The group charged migrants between €4,500 and €12,000 each. 国家犯罪署强调了开展国际合作打击此类犯罪网络的重要性。 The National Crime Agency emphasized the importance of international cooperation in combating such crime networks.