以色列部队截获了从伊朗运给西岸恐怖分子的武器,没收了武器并逮捕了嫌疑人。 Israeli forces intercepted weapons from Iran meant for terrorists in the West Bank, seizing arms and arresting suspects.
以色列安全部队挫败了从伊朗向西岸走私武器的行动,缴获了火箭、爆炸物、炸弹、迫击炮发射器、狙击步枪和在杰宁的恐怖分子使用的其他武器。 Israeli security forces thwarted a weapons smuggling operation from Iran to the West Bank, seizing rockets, explosives, bombs, mortar launchers, sniper rifles, and other weapons intended for terrorist operatives in Jenin. 这项行动与驻叙利亚的伊朗特种部队有关。 The operation was linked to Iranian special forces units based in Syria. 行动期间还逮捕了两名被通缉人员。 Two wanted individuals were also arrested during the operation.