以色列当局逮捕了4名进入以色列-黎巴嫩边界附近限制区的真主党成员。 Israeli authorities arrest four Hezbollah members entering restricted zone near Israel-Lebanon border.
以色列当局逮捕了四名真主党成员,包括一名当地领导人,他们进入以色列-黎巴嫩边界附近的限制区。 Israeli authorities have arrested four Hezbollah members, including a local leader, who entered a restricted zone near the Israel-Lebanon border. 这是在停火协定要求双方撤出边界地区之后达成的。 This follows a ceasefire agreement requiring both sides to withdraw from border areas. 以色列曾警告要对任何违反行为采取严厉行动,而黎巴嫩和联合国维和人员将在该地区巡逻,以确保遵守规定。 Israel has warned of harsh action against any violations, while Lebanon and UN peacekeepers will patrol the area to ensure compliance.