特朗普任命斯坦利·伍德沃德的律师 和三名前助理 加入白宫团队 Trump appoints lawyer Stanley Woodward to his White House team, along with three former assistants.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普已任命斯坦利·伍德沃德律师为白宫法律团队成员,伍德沃德将担任总统助理和高级顾问。 President-elect Donald Trump has appointed lawyer Stanley Woodward to his White House legal team, where Woodward will serve as an assistant to the president and senior counselor. 伍德沃德此前曾为特朗普的几个助手和参与2021年1月6日国会大袭击的个人辩护. Woodward has previously defended several of Trump's aides and individuals involved in the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack. 特朗普还宣布 三位助手从第一任期回来 罗伯特·加布里埃尔 尼古拉斯·卢纳和威廉·"博"·哈里森 Trump also announced the return of three assistants from his first term: Robert Gabriel, Nicholas Luna, and William "Beau" Harrison.