白宫国家安全发言人约翰·柯比将成为白宫国家安全通讯顾问兼总统助理。 White House national security spokesman John Kirby to become White House national security communications adviser and assistant to the president.
一位美国官员表示,白宫国家安全发言人约翰·柯比将在拜登政府中发挥更大的作用。 White House national security spokesman John Kirby is set to receive an expanded role in the Biden administration, according to a U.S. official. 柯比的新头衔将是白宫国家安全通讯顾问,他将被任命为总统助理。 Kirby's new title will be White House national security communications adviser, and he will be named an assistant to the president. 路透社首先报道了扩大角色的细节。 Details of the expanded role were first reported by Reuters.