北卡罗来纳航空业刺激了经济,产生了880亿美元的影响,支持了427 000个就业机会。 North Carolina's aviation industry boosts economy with $88 billion impact and supports over 427,000 jobs.
北卡罗来纳州航空业每年为经济贡献880亿美元,支持427 000个就业机会。 North Carolina's aviation industry contributes $88 billion annually to the economy and supports over 427,000 jobs. 最近一份报告着重指出了国家10个商业机场和62个一般航空场的影响,指出每年旅客增至7 430万,一般航空财产税收入增至680万美元。 A recent report highlights the impact of the state's 10 commercial airports and 62 general aviation fields, noting a rise to 74.3 million annual passengers and $6.8 million in property tax revenues from general aviation.