2024年预测:惠灵顿机场从234 000名国际游客中赚取37 500万美元。 2024 projection: Wellington Airport to generate $375m from 234,000 international visitors.
商业和经济研究(BERL)最近的报告显示惠灵顿机场的国内生产总值超过20亿美元,支持了该区域的14 500个就业机会。 A recent report from Business and Economic Research (BERL) reveals Wellington Airport generates over $2 billion in GDP and supports 14,500 jobs in the region. 机场在贸易、旅游和教育等部门发挥着至关重要的作用。 The airport plays a vital role in sectors like trade, tourism, and education. 2024年,预计将欢迎234 000多名国际游客,为当地经济额外捐助3.75亿美元。 In 2024, it is projected to welcome over 234,000 international visitors, contributing an additional $375 million to the local economy. 报告全文可在网上查阅。 The full report is available online.