Roanoke-Blacksburg机场的乘客人数增加了2.8%,创历史新高,2024年达到756,000人以上。 Roanoke-Blacksburg airport sees record 2.8% rise in passengers, reaching over 756,000 in 2024.
据弗吉尼亚的Roanoke-Blacksburg地区机场报告,2024年旅客人数增加了2.8%,达到756 000名旅行者,创纪录。 Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport in Virginia reported a record 2.8% increase in passengers in 2024, reaching over 756,000 travelers. 机场提供直达亚特兰大和芝加哥等八个目的地的不间断航班,并计划增加一条通往佛罗里达的路线。 The airport offers nonstop flights to eight destinations, including Atlanta and Chicago, with plans to add a route to Florida. 这一增长,加上使用维吉尼亚微风公共汽车的乘客人数增加了9.2%,突出表明对负担得起和可靠的旅行选择的需求增加,促进了当地经济并支持就业。 This growth, along with a 9.2% rise in passengers using Virginia Breeze Bus Lines, highlights increased demand for affordable and reliable travel options, boosting the local economy and supporting jobs.