日落动物园的马拉扬老虎哈基姆(Malayan Tiger Hakim)是AZA动物园57个动物园之一,17岁死于与年龄有关的疾病。 Sunset Zoo's Malayan tiger Hakim, one of 57 in AZA zoos, died at 17 from age-related illnesses.
日落动物园哀悼哈基姆(Hakim)的逝世。 哈基姆是一名17岁的马拉扬老虎,死于与年龄有关的疾病,包括关节炎和肾病。 Sunset Zoo mourns the loss of Hakim, a 17-year-old Malayan tiger who died due to age-related illnesses, including arthritis and kidney disease. 哈基姆(Hakim)于2007年出生,自2015年起就生活在动物园, Born in 2007 and living at the zoo since 2015, Hakim was one of only 57 Malayan tigers in human care within AZA zoos, highlighting the species' endangered status. 他的逝世凸显了濒危野生动植物面临的各项挑战以及养护努力的重要性。 His death underscores the challenges faced by critically endangered wildlife and the importance of conservation efforts.