一个四个月大的老虎幼崽在印度被发现死亡,很可能是被遗弃后饿死的。 A four-month-old tiger cub was found dead in India, likely due to starvation after being abandoned.
一个四个月大的老虎幼崽被发现死在中央邦的庞奇老虎保留地。 A four-month-old tiger cub was found dead in the Pench Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh. 这只幼崽被一支巡逻队发现,似乎是饿死的,可能是由于身体虚弱而被母亲遗弃,这是母老虎的自然行为。 The cub, discovered by a patrolling team, appeared to have starved to death, possibly after being abandoned by its mother due to its weak condition, a natural behavior for tigresses. 正在进行包括法医检查在内的彻底调查,以确定死亡的确切原因。 A thorough investigation including forensic examination is underway to determine the exact cause of death.