16岁的苏门答兰老虎Kami Sambal在路易斯维尔动物园因健康问题死亡;幼崽得到照料。 16-year-old Sumatran tiger Kami Sambal at Louisville Zoo dies due to health issues; cubs being cared for.
16岁的苏门答兰老虎Kami Sambal在路易斯维尔动物园有6只幼崽,由于包括肾功能衰减和贫血(可能包括癌症)在内的健康问题而去世。 16-year-old Sumatran tiger Kami Sambal, who had six cubs at Louisville Zoo, passed away due to health issues including kidney function decline & anemia, possibly cancer. 动物园哀悼损失, 并庆祝Kami对老虎保护工作的贡献。 The zoo mourns the loss and celebrates Kami's contribution to tiger conservation efforts. 他的幼崽们正在幕后得到照顾,并计划很快向公众开放。 His cubs are being cared for behind the scenes, with plans for public viewing soon.