奥克兰动物园的苏门答腊虎再次遭遇悲剧。 Tragedy strikes again for Auckland Zoo's Sumatran tigers.
奥克兰动物园一只四周大的苏门答腊虎幼崽因跌倒在栖息地而头部受伤,随后被安乐死。 A four-week-old Sumatran tiger cub at Auckland Zoo was euthanized after sustaining a head injury from falling in its habitat. 动物园的兽医团队提供了支持性护理,但在注意到幼崽病情恶化后,最终做出了对其实施安乐死的艰难决定。 The zoo's veterinary team provided supportive care but ultimately made the difficult decision to euthanize the cub after noticing a deterioration in its condition. 动物园的老虎栖息地仍然对游客关闭,工作人员正在监视幸存的幼崽及其母亲扎亚娜。 The zoo's tiger habitat remains closed to visitors as staff monitor the surviving cub and its mother, Zayana. 这是扎亚纳在不到一年的时间里第二次失去幼崽。 This marks the second time in less than a year that Zayana has lost a cub.