加拿大的铁路汽车漏水导致一个带火焰和烟雾潜力的哈兹玛特卸货,但没有公众危险。 A rail car leak in Canada led to a hazmat offloading with potential for flames and smoke, but no public danger.
星期四在加拿大Haldimand县发现了铁路汽车泄漏,导致一个哈兹马特小组卸下该产品。 A rail car leak was discovered in Haldimand County, Canada, on Thursday, leading to a hazmat team offloading the product. 尽管泄漏了消息 公众并不存在任何危险 Despite the leak, there is no danger to the public. 当局建议居民在9号租让地和8号租让地之间远离Yule路,因为卸货过程可能造成大火和黑烟。 Authorities have advised residents to stay away from Yule Road between Concession 9 and Concession 8, where the offloading process may cause a large flame and black smoke. 整个过程将在星期五大部分时间继续进行。 The process will continue for most of Friday.