警方和民主党人等待丢失的纪念 1 月 6 日骚乱的牌匾,感觉被解雇了。 Police, Democrats await missing plaque commemorating January 6th riot, feeling dismissed.
受伤的警官和民主党人在等待纪念受1月6日国会暴动影响的受难者的承诺牌子时,感到失望和失去希望。 Injured police officers and Democrats are disappointed and losing hope as they wait for a promised plaque commemorating those affected by the January 6th Capitol riot. 尽管他们作出了努力,但这一牌子仍未交付,使许多人感到被抛弃和沮丧。 Despite their efforts, the plaque has not been delivered, leaving many feeling dismissed and frustrated.