巴基斯坦立法者因卡拉奇学生考试成绩低劣、要求调查而扰乱集会。 Pakistani legislators disrupt assembly over poor Karachi student exam results, demand inquiry.
巴基斯坦信德省议会的MQM-P立法者扰乱了程序, 抗议指称卡拉奇学生在中间考试表现不佳。 MQM-P legislators in Pakistan's Sindh Assembly disrupted proceedings, protesting alleged poor performance of Karachi students in intermediate exams. 他们要求对调查结果进行调查,指控政府忽视城市教育。 They demanded an inquiry into the results, accusing the government of neglecting urban education. 尽管发出了口号并提出了抗议,但会议继续进行,讨论了财产税转移和改进电信服务。 Despite slogans and protests, the session continued, discussing property tax transfers and improving telecom services.