内布拉斯加州州长Jim Pillen返回工作 重度骑马事故后, 多处受伤。 Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen returns to work post-severe horse-riding accident with multiple injuries.
Nebraska州长Jim Pillen正从12月22日的严重骑马事故中恢复过来。 这次事故使他多处受伤,包括七根肋骨骨折、肺折、脾脏撕裂、肾脏瘀伤和脊椎骨折。 Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen is recovering from a severe horse-riding accident on December 22nd that left him with multiple injuries, including seven broken ribs, a collapsed lung, a lacerated spleen, a bruised kidney, and a fractured vertebra. Pillen在手术和住院后,将重新下定决心返回工作,重点是他的康复和即将制定的立法议程。 After surgeries and hospitalization, Pillen is returning to work with a renewed determination, focusing on his recovery and upcoming legislative agenda. 他对这一事件的表扬是,他从新的视角看待生活和感激之情。 He credits the incident with giving him a new perspective on life and gratitude.