蒙面强盗从纳尼莫的BMO银行抢走现金;皇家骑警进行调查。 Masked robber snatches cash from BMO bank in Nanaimo; RCMP investigating.
1月3日下午2点左右,一名身着黑衣的蒙面男子在为一名顾客服务时从柜台抢取现金,然后乘一辆黑皮卡车与一名妇女一起逃离。 A robbery occurred at a BMO bank in Nanaimo on January 3 around 2 p.m. A masked man in black clothes snatched cash from a teller while a customer was being served, then fled with a woman in a dark pickup truck. 没有涉及任何武器,也没有人受伤。 No weapon was involved, and there were no injuries. 纳尼莫皇家骑警正在进行调查,并敦促公众向250-754-2345打电话,提供一切信息。 The Nanaimo RCMP is investigating and urges the public to call 250-754-2345 with any information.