小偷从纳奈莫的银行客户那里盗取现金,与共犯一起越狱;加拿大皇家骑警进行调查。 Thief steals cash from bank customer in Nanaimo, escapes with accomplice; RCMP investigate.
一名男子从加拿大纳尼莫的蒙特利尔银行的客户那里偷了现金,因为他们正在取款。 A man stole cash from a customer at a Bank of Montreal in Nanaimo, Canada, as they were withdrawing money. 嫌犯身高约6尺3寸,身着黑衣服、墨镜和黑面具,与一名妇女逃跑,可能乘坐一辆黑色小卡车。 The suspect, about 6'3" tall and wearing dark clothes, sunglasses, and a black mask, escaped with a woman, possibly in a dark pickup truck. 没有使用任何威胁或武器,警察很快赶来,但找不到嫌犯。 No threats or weapons were used, and the police arrived quickly but couldn't find the suspects. 纳尼莫皇家骑警正在进行调查,要求任何人在250 -754 -2345之间联系他们。 The Nanaimo RCMP is investigating and asks anyone with information to contact them at 250-754-2345.