印度的UGC提出了灵活的高等教育规则,包括半年制入学和双学位。 India's UGC proposes flexible higher education rules, including biannual admissions and dual degrees.
印度的大学赠款委员会(UGC)提出了新的条例草案,以加强高等教育的灵活性。 The University Grants Commission (UGC) in India has proposed new draft regulations to enhance flexibility in higher education. 关键的变化包括半年一次的入学,允许学生同时攻读两度,以及取消对基于前教育的学科的限制。 Key changes include biannual admissions, allowing students to pursue two degrees simultaneously, and removing restrictions on disciplines based on prior education. 这些改革还引入了多种出入境选择,承认先前的学习,以及出勤和学位期限的灵活性。 These reforms also introduce multiple entry and exit options, recognition of prior learning, and flexibility in attendance and degree duration. UGC正在寻求公众在2024年12月23日前就这些拟议的修改提出反馈意见。 The UGC is seeking public feedback on these proposed changes by December 23, 2024.