德里大学提出挑战,要求披露1978年BA考试通过者的记录,并列举了隐私和效率方面的关切。 University of Delhi challenges order to disclose 1978 BA exam passers' records, citing privacy and efficiency concerns.
德里大学正在对中央信息委员会的一项命令提出质疑,这项命令要求该大学披露1978年通过学士学位考试的学生的记录,其中包括纳兰德拉·莫迪总理。 The University of Delhi is challenging a Central Information Commission (CIC) order that requires the university to disclose records of students who passed the BA exam in 1978, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 该大学认为,《知情权法》不应被用来满足个人的好奇心,而且该命令可能损害行政效率。 The university argues that the Right to Information (RTI) Act should not be used to satisfy personal curiosity and that the order could harm administrative efficiency. Tushar Mehta副检察长支持这一观点,指出这种要求不切实际,可能损害学生的隐私。 Solicitor General Tushar Mehta supports this view, stating that such demands are impractical and could compromise student privacy. 德里高等法院仍在审理此案。 The case is ongoing in the Delhi High Court.