福丹大学强制执行论文的AI法规,引发了关于学术诚信与创新的平衡的辩论. Fudan University enforces AI regulations for dissertations, sparking debate on balancing academic integrity and innovation.
佛丹大学对本科生论文实施了严格的AI条例,以保护学术廉正,促进原创思维,引发了AI在高等教育中作用的辩论。 Fudan University has imposed strict AI regulations on undergraduate dissertations to protect academic integrity and promote original thinking, sparking a debate on AI's role in higher education. 虽然人工智能在学习和研究方面提供了进步,但滥用可能会损害原创作品. While AI offers advancements in learning and research, misuse can harm original work. 在全球各地,大学正在通过整合AI扫盲、制定道德准则以及使用检测软件来解决这一问题。 Universities globally are addressing this by integrating AI literacy, developing ethical guidelines, and using detection software. 批评者担心这些规则可能扼杀创造力,但目标是平衡创新与诚信。 Critics worry these rules could stifle creativity, but the goal is to balance innovation and integrity.