马萨诸塞州父母对AI援助的历史项目提出诉讼,寻求改变等级和准则。 Massachusetts parents sue over AI-aided history project, seeking grade change and guidelines.
一名马萨诸塞州高中学生的父母对学校提起诉讼,指控他们的儿子因在历史项目中使用人工智能而受到不公正的处罚。 Parents of a Massachusetts high school student have filed a lawsuit against the school, alleging their son was unfairly penalized for using artificial intelligence in a history project. 他们声称这一惩罚损害了他的国家荣誉协会候选人资格和大学前景。 They claim this punishment harmed his National Honor Society candidacy and college prospects. 案件引发了人们对人工智能在教育和学术诚信方面的担忧, 因为家人希望改善指导方针, 并为儿子从零到B的年级改变. The case raises concerns about AI use in education and academic integrity, as the family seeks improved guidelines and a grade change from zero to B for their son.