消防员在Green Hill湖附近与草火作战; 发出“观察和行动”警告, Firefighters fight grassfire near Green Hill Lake; "Watch and Act" warning issued, rapid evacuation possible.
自下午1点53分起, 消防员在Dobie的Green Hill湖附近与一场大火作战, Firefighters are battling a grassfire near Green Hill Lake, Dobie, since 1:53 PM, with twelve units from various districts working on the scene. 国家消防局于2点43分发布「观察与行动」警告, 表示火势正在向东南移动。 The Country Fire Authority issued a "Watch and Act" warning at 2:43 PM, stating the fire is moving southeast. 建议居民靠近收容所,并准备由于条件可能迅速变化而迅速撤离。 Residents are advised to stay close to a shelter and be ready to evacuate quickly due to potentially rapid changes in conditions.