在加拿大弗农,火灾从一辆汽车蔓延到一幢公寓楼,造成居民流离失所。 Fire in Vernon, Canada, spreads from a vehicle to an apartment building, displacing residents.
星期五上午,加拿大弗农的停车场发生车辆火灾,蔓延到一幢公寓大楼,影响到三套套房,居民流离失所。 A vehicle fire in a parking garage in Vernon, Canada, spread to an apartment building on Friday morning, affecting three suites and displacing residents. Vernon消防救援服务处扑灭了火焰,并疏散了大楼。 Vernon Fire Rescue Services extinguished the flames and evacuated the building. 两名居民得到消防员的协助。 Two residents were assisted out by firefighters. 没有人员受伤的报告,Vernon紧急支助事务处向流离失所的居民提供援助。 No injuries were reported, and Vernon Emergency Support Services provided aid to displaced residents. 火灾原因仍然不明,该地区被关闭数小时。 The cause of the fire is still unknown, and the area was closed off for several hours.