渥太华东端的一栋平房遭遇严重火灾,消防队员使用油罐车与极端气温和消防栓的缺乏作斗争。 A bungalow in Ottawa's east end faced a severe fire, with firefighters battling extreme temperatures and lack of hydrants using tanker trucks.
周五晚上,渥太华东端的一栋平房遭遇严重火灾,火势从后门廊开始蔓延到家里。 On Friday night, a bungalow in Ottawa's east end faced a severe fire that began on its back porch and spread into the home. 消防员与极端气温和缺乏消防栓的情况作斗争,使用油罐车从附近的水源运送水。 Firefighters battled extreme temperatures and lack of hydrants, using tanker trucks to shuttle water from a nearby source. 在消防部门到达之前,所有三名居民都已安全疏散,并为消防队员在轮换期间提供了一辆 OC Transpo 巴士以供热身。 All three residents had safely evacuated before the fire department's arrival, and an OC Transpo bus was provided for firefighters to warm up during rotations.