Stratford老年人综合体的火灾使21名居民流离失所;所有居民均安全撤离。 Fire at Stratford seniors' complex displaces 21 residents; all evacuated safely.
周五清晨,在联邦经济研究所Stratford的一家老年人公寓发生火灾,造成21名居民流离失所。 A fire broke out at a seniors' apartment complex in Stratford, P.E.I., early Friday morning, displacing 21 residents. 所有居民均安全疏散,除一名因不相关原因寻求住院治疗的居民外,没有受伤报告。 All residents were safely evacuated, with no injuries reported except for one resident who sought hospital care for unrelated reasons. 火灾造成的破坏有限,但烟雾影响到建筑物的更大面积。 The fire caused limited damage but smoke affected larger areas of the building. 加拿大红十字会提供了临时住房,而火灾不被视为可疑。 The Canadian Red Cross provided temporary housing, and the fire is not considered suspicious.