亚基马高级住宅楼发生火灾,导致 2 名居民流离失所;无人受伤,原因正在调查中。 2 residents displaced by a contained fire in a Yakima senior living building; no injuries, cause under investigation.
亚基马市中心一栋高级住宅楼发生火灾,导致 2 名居民流离失所。 2 residents displaced by a fire in a downtown Yakima senior living building. 大火发生在格兰德酒店四楼的一间公寓内,被大楼的喷水灭火系统控制住。 The fire, contained by the building's sprinkler system, occurred in an apartment on the fourth floor of The Grand Hotel. 目前没有人员伤亡的报告,但受影响的公寓将进行翻修评估,红十字会会协助寻找临时住所。 No injuries were reported, but the affected apartment will be assessed for renovation, with the Red Cross assisting in finding temporary accommodation. 起火的原因正在调查中。 The cause of the fire is under investigation.