加利福尼亚人为给威斯康星州学校枪手的留言道歉 面对联邦调查局的调查 California man apologizes for messages to Wisconsin school shooter, faces FBI investigation.
加州男子Alexander Paffendorf为与威斯康辛州学校枪击事件有关而道歉, 一名15岁女孩杀死一名教师和学生。 A California man, Alexander Paffendorf, has apologized for his connection to a school shooting in Wisconsin where a 15-year-old girl killed a teacher and student. Paffendorf告诉联邦调查局探员 他给枪手发短信说 用枪和炸药袭击政府大楼 Paffendorf told FBI agents he had been messaging the shooter about attacking a government building with guns and explosives. 他受到根据加利福尼亚枪红旗法签发的限制令的限制,未被指控犯有任何罪行。 He is under a restraining order issued under California's gun red flag law and has not been charged with any crime. 联邦调查局的调查预计将在2至3个月内结束。 The FBI's investigation is expected to conclude within two to three months.