13 岁少年因可信的 Pine Point 学校枪击威胁而被捕,导致学校关闭。 13-year-old arrested for credible Pine Point School shooting threat, leading to school closure.
明尼苏达州Ponsford的一名13岁女孩因受到在松角学校发生学校枪击的可信威胁而被捕。 A 13-year-old girl from Ponsford, Minnesota, was arrested for making a credible threat of a school shooting at Pine Point School. 贝克尔县警长办公室于 9 月 19 日收到报告,导致学校作为预防措施关闭。 The Becker County Sheriff's Office received the report on September 19, leading to the school’s closure as a precaution. 调查显示,学生或工作人员没有受到直接危险,班级当天被取消。 Investigations revealed no immediate danger to students or staff, and classes were canceled for the day. 情况仍在调查之中。 The situation remains under investigation.