犹他州的两名国土安全局特工被控通过一名线人出售查获的毒品。 Two Homeland Security agents in Utah are charged with selling seized drugs through an informant.
犹他州的两名国土安全局特工 Nicholas Kindle和David Cole被控通过秘密线人出售被查获的毒品。 Two Homeland Security agents in Utah, Nicholas Kindle and David Cole, have been charged with selling seized drugs through a confidential informant. Kindle因将美国政府财产转换为盈利而面临额外收费。 Kindle faces additional charges for converting U.S. government property for profit. 联邦调查局于2024年10月开始调查 之前,线人的律师 向美国检察院报告了非法活动 The FBI started investigating in October 2024 after the informant's lawyer reported the illegal activities to the U.S. Attorney's Office.