前联邦调查局特工Nicholas Anthony Williams承认在执行搜查令时从家中偷窃金钱和财产。 Former FBI agent Nicholas Anthony Williams pleaded guilty to stealing money and property from homes while executing search warrants.
Nicholas Anthony Williams 曾在休斯敦任联邦调查局特工,他承认在执行搜查令时从家中偷窃金钱和财产。 Nicholas Anthony Williams, a former FBI agent in Houston, has pleaded guilty to stealing money and property from homes while executing search warrants. 他被控盗窃和提供虚假陈述,包括欺诈性地使用他的政府信用卡。 He faced charges of theft and providing false statements, including fraudulent use of his government credit card. 2019年以来在联邦调查局任职的威廉姆斯于1月被起诉。 Williams, who served in the FBI since 2019, was indicted in January. 其中一名受害者报告说,在搜查中丢失了现金和银币。 One of his victims reported missing cash and silver during a search.