在犹他州,国土安全部探员David Cole被控出售被查获的毒品,面临长达10年的监禁。 DHS agent David Cole in Utah accused of selling seized drugs, facing up to 10 years in prison.
包括特别探员大卫·科尔(David Cole)在内的两名犹他州人口与健康调查特工被指控向秘密线人出售查获的“盐盐”毒品,其非法利润高达300 000美元。 Two DHS agents in Utah, including Special Agent David Cole, are accused of selling seized "bath salts" drugs to a confidential informant, making up to $300,000 in illicit profits. Cole被逮捕,如果被定罪,将面临长达10年的监禁。 Cole was arrested and faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. 这名有犯罪历史的线人声称,他被特工强迫从事非法买卖。 The informant, who had a criminal history, claimed he was compelled by the agents to engage in the illegal sales. 调查开始于线人辩护律师向犹他州美国检察官报告有关行动之后。 The investigation began after the informant's defense attorney reported the actions to the U.S. Attorney in Utah.