曾经的特工从机构偷走了56,000美元的加密货币, 面临一年的监禁. Former Secret Service agent stole $56,000 in cryptocurrency from the agency, faces up to a year in prison.
前特勤局特工安东尼·约瑟夫·埃文斯 承认在2022年从凤凰城秘密保险库 偷取了价值56,000美元的加密货币 A former Secret Service agent, Anthony Joseph Evans, admitted to stealing $56,000 worth of cryptocurrency from the agency's secure vault in Phoenix in 2022. 埃文斯把密码货币 转到他的钱包, 将其转换成现金, 并用来支付个人开支。 Evans transferred the cryptocurrency to his wallets, converted it to cash, and used it for personal expenses. 他将面临长达一年零一天的监禁,并且必须偿还被盗金额,包括任何收益。 He faces up to one year and a day in prison and must repay the stolen amount, including any gains. 他的判刑定于2025年2月19日。 His sentencing is scheduled for February 19, 2025.