三名男子在ATV冲破大石湖冰块后逃脱; 当局警告说有冰危险。 Three men escaped after their ATV broke through Big Stone Lake's ice; authorities warn of ice dangers.
三名男子在明尼苏达州大石湖险恶中幸免于险境, 当他们的ATV在周四上午11时30分左右 拖着一条鱼屋从冰堆上冲破冰面 Three men narrowly escaped danger on Big Stone Lake, Minnesota, when their ATV, towing a fish house, broke through the ice over a heave around 11:30 a.m. Thursday. 他们设法在车辆被淹没之前撤离,并从附近的一栋房屋寻求帮助。 They managed to evacuate before the vehicle submerged and sought help from a nearby house. Big Stone县治安官办公室警告说,没有冰是100%安全的,清除淹没的ATV和鱼屋需要几天时间。 The Big Stone County Sheriff's Office warned that no ice is 100% safe and removal of the submerged ATV and fish house will take several days.