ATV破冰而出;1人获救,1人失踪,在黑水湖继续寻找。 ATV breaks through ice; one rescued, one missing as search continues on Blackwater Lake.
一名20岁的男子在明尼苏达州Cass县Blackwater湖的冰面被ATV冲破后,于星期一晚上被救出,空运到一家医院,体温过低。 A 20-year-old man was rescued and airlifted to a hospital for hypothermia after an ATV broke through the ice on Blackwater Lake in Cass County, Minnesota, on Monday evening. 对这名失踪的 18 岁少年的搜索工作一直持续到周二,现在正专注于找回。 Search efforts for the missing 18-year-old, who was also on the ATV, continued into Tuesday and are now focusing on recovery. 当局曾警告过有危险的早期季节性冰层条件。 Authorities warned of dangerous early-season ice conditions.