在开曼群岛发现的一艘淹没的独木舟导致救援行动和毒品行动调查。 A submerged canoe found off Cayman Islands leads to a rescue operation and drug operation investigation.
1月2日,在开曼群岛东端海岸附近发现一艘被淹没的独木舟,导致当地应急部门进行搜索和救援行动。 A submerged canoe was discovered near the coast of East End, Cayman Islands, on January 2, leading to a search and rescue operation by local emergency services. 没有找到幸存者,尽管有几个气桶被冲上岸。 No survivors were found, though several gas barrels washed ashore. 皇家开曼群岛警察局犯罪工作队正在调查这一事件,认为可能涉及毒品行动,并正在寻找证人。 The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service’s Crime Task Force is investigating the incident, thought to possibly involve a drug operation, and is seeking witnesses.