韩国对坠机造成179人死亡的101架波音737-800喷气式飞机进行检查。 South Korea extends inspections on 101 Boeing 737-800 jets after a crash killed 179 people.
韩国延长了对101架波音737-800喷气式飞机的检查,因为最近的坠机造成179人死亡。 South Korea has extended inspections of 101 Boeing 737-800 jets due to a recent crash that killed 179 people. 共同制作飞机发动机的GE A航空航天公司是调查的一部分。 GE Aerospace, which co-produced the plane's engines, is part of the investigation. 这些视察现已延长到1月10日,将审查发动机、维修记录和起落架。 The inspections, now extended to January 10, will examine engines, maintenance records, and landing gear. 当局正在与美国国家运输安全委员会合作分析飞行数据记录器。 Authorities are working with the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board to analyze the flight data recorder. 可能的原因包括鸟类撞击和失灵起落装置。 Possible causes include a bird strike and faulty landing gear.