新加坡提供300新元的凭单,帮助家庭支付到2025年的日常开支。 Singapore offers S$300 in vouchers to help households cover daily expenses through 2025.
新加坡家庭现在可以用CDC凭单要求300新元,有效期至2025年12月31日,以帮助支付日常费用。 Singaporean households can now claim S$300 in CDC vouchers, valid until December 31, 2025, to help with daily expenses. 一半的资金可以在超市使用,另一半可以在参与的小贩摊位和中心地带商人使用。 Half of the funds can be used at supermarkets, and the other half at participating hawker stalls and heartland merchants. 该方案旨在支持低收入家庭和当地企业。 The program aims to support lower-income households and local businesses. 有通知和数字申报选项可供选择,志愿人员协助需要帮助的人。 Notifications and digital claiming options are available, with volunteers assisting those who need help.