Ossoff参议员和Warnock参议员接受新的参议院委员会任务,决定他们的立法角色。 Senators Ossoff and Warnock receive new Senate committee assignments, shaping their legislative roles.
Jon Ossoff参议员和Raphael Warnock参议员在参议院各委员会中获得了新的任务。 Senator Jon Ossoff and Senator Raphael Warnock have received new assignments on various Senate committees. 这些任务将在决定其立法优先事项和对即将举行的届会的影响方面发挥关键作用。 These assignments will play a crucial role in shaping their legislative priorities and influence in the upcoming sessions. 报告中没有详细说明具体委员会,但这类任务通常包括财政、司法和武装服务等领域。 The specific committees were not detailed in the report, but such assignments typically cover areas like finance, judiciary, and armed services, among others.