新当选的蒙大拿参议员Tim Sheehy和代表Troy Downing加入国会主要委员会。 Newly-elected Montana Senator Tim Sheehy and Representative Troy Downing join key Congressional committees.
新当选的蒙大拿参议员蒂姆·希希和当选代表特洛伊·唐宁被分配到国会的重要委员会。 Montana's newly-elected Senator Tim Sheehy and Representative-elect Troy Downing have been assigned to key Congressional committees. Sheehy将担任武装部队、退伍军人事务、商业、科学和运输委员会的成员,Downing将加入众议院金融服务委员会。 Sheehy will serve on the Armed Services, Veterans Affairs, and Commerce, Science and Transportation committees, while Downing joins the House Financial Services Committee. 现任参议员Steve Daines将继续参加能源和自然资源委员会以及印第安人事务委员会的工作,并将加入对外关系委员会。 Incumbent Senator Steve Daines will continue on the Energy and Natural Resources and Indian Affairs committees, and will also join the Foreign Relations Committee. 两位新代表都是蒙大拿州全共和党代表团的一员. Both new representatives are part of Montana's all-Republican delegation.