来自加利福尼亚州的新参议员Adam Schiff加入了主要委员会,关注住房、农业和犯罪。 New Senator Adam Schiff from California joins key committees, focusing on housing, agriculture, and crime.
来自加利福尼亚州的新任命的参议员Adam Schiff将在司法、农业、环境和小企业等关键委员会任职。 Newly appointed Senator Adam Schiff from California will serve on key committees including Judiciary, Agriculture, Environment, and Small Business. 以住房、农业、犯罪和环境问题为重点,Schiff旨在解决加利福尼亚的紧迫问题。 With a focus on housing, agriculture, crime, and environmental issues, Schiff aims to address pressing concerns in California. 他在总督Gavin Newsom的推动下获得任命,确保他获得参议院的资历。 His appointment, facilitated by Governor Gavin Newsom, ensures he gains seniority in the Senate. Schiff还强调了打击本土极端主义和支持加利福尼亚的农业的重要性。 Schiff also highlighted the importance of combating homegrown extremism and supporting California's agricultural industry.