Jim Jordan共和国在共和国改组期间为众议院司法委员会指定了新的小组委员会主席。 Rep. Jim Jordan names new subcommittee chairs for the House Judiciary Committee amid Republican restructuring.
俄亥俄共和党人Jim Jordan已宣布众议院司法委员会小组委员会主席。 Rep. Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, has announced the subcommittee chairs for the House Judiciary Committee. 新任主席包括威斯康辛州负责监管改革的Scott Fitzgerald Rep. Scott Fitzgerald、得克萨斯州负责宪法的Chip Roy、加利福尼亚州负责法院和技术的Darrell Issa Rep. Darrell Issa、亚利桑那州负责犯罪和监视的Andy Biggs Rep. Andy Biggs、加利福尼亚州负责移民的Tom McClintock和新泽西州负责监督的Jeff Van Drew。 The new chairs include Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Wisconsin for Regulatory Reform, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas for the Constitution, Rep. Darrell Issa of California for Courts and Technology, Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona for Crime and Surveillance, Rep. Tom McClintock of California for Immigration, and Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey for Oversight. 这次重组是共和党领导的众议院战略重组工作的一部分。 This reorganization is part of the Republican-led House's strategic restructuring effort.