Rutgers同意在犹太和穆斯林学生提出400多起歧视投诉后,审查政策并培训工作人员。 Rutgers agrees to review policies and train staff after over 400 discrimination complaints by Jewish and Muslim students.
Rutgers大学已同意审查其不歧视政策,并在接到歧视犹太和穆斯林学生的投诉后,为工作人员提供补充培训。 Rutgers University has agreed to review its nondiscrimination policies and provide additional training for staff following complaints of discrimination against Jewish and Muslim students. 与美国教育部签订的协议是在2023年7月至2024年6月期间提交了400多起歧视报告之后签订的。 The agreement with the U.S. Department of Education comes after over 400 reports of discrimination were filed between July 2023 and June 2024. Rutgers还将举行倾听会,发表反对歧视的声明。 Rutgers will also hold listening sessions and issue a statement against discrimination. 根据《公民权利法》第六编,这项行动处理基于民族血统和共同祖先的敌对环境的关切。 The action addresses concerns of a hostile environment based on national origin and shared ancestry, under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.