Dresel大学在美国教育部调查发现对1.5年中35起事件的反应不足之后,审查和改进对反犹太主义投诉的处理。 Drexel University to review and improve antisemitism complaint handling after a US Department of Education probe found inadequate response to 35 incidents over 1.5 years.
Dresel大学将审查和改进对歧视投诉的处理,特别是与反犹主义有关的投诉,因为美国教育部的调查发现,它未能对报告的35起针对犹太血统的骚扰事件作出适当反应。 Drexel University will review and improve its handling of discrimination complaints, particularly those related to antisemitism, after a US Department of Education probe found it failed to properly respond to 35 reported incidents of harassment over Jewish ancestry. 教育部的结论是,德雷塞尔的敌对环境已存在约1.5年。 The Department of Education concluded that a hostile environment had existed at Drexel for about 1.5 years. 该大学将审查过去两年的投诉,与联邦机构分享信息,并修订政策,指导如何调查和处理歧视事件。 The university will review complaints from the past two academic years, share the information with the federal agency, and revise policies to guide how discrimination incidents are investigated and addressed.